You can filter which records will trigger an Alert by comparing fields on the record against a fixed value or other fields on the same record.

Setting filters on a specific Alert entry

  1. Locate and open the Alert Entries page via search. Highlight the Alert Entry and click Filters.
  2. Select a Filter Condition. Optionally toggle Check Filter Before Sending.
  3. Add Alert Filter entries as required.
Field No.The Field used to filter which Records will trigger an Alert
Field NameThe name of the Field
Field TypeThe type of the field
Filter TypeSpecifies how the Field is compared to the value when the filter is being applied
Value TypeSpecifies if the compared to value is a manually specified text or another Field on the Record
Value TextThe text value to compare to. Only used when Value Type is ‘Text’
Value Field No.The Field to compare to. Only used when Value Type is ‘Field’
Value Field NameThe name of the Field being compared to

Filter Types

Filter Types directly map to filters used throughout Business Central.

Use the Custom Filter Type to directly enter filters in Value Text (e.g. ‘10000..20000’ will filter for a range between 10000 and 20000).

Filtering Examples

Filtering against a fixed value

  1. Select a Field No. and a Filter Type.
  2. Select Text as the Value Type.
  3. Enter the Value Text.

Filtering against another field value

  1. Select a Field No. and Filter Type.
  2. Select Field as the Value Type.
  3. Select a Value Field No.