Label Templates are where you upload your label design. For NiceLabel, this is a .nlbl file.

  1. Locate and open the Label Templates page via the search function on Business Central
  2. Create a new Label Template by clicking New and enter in all fields shown. Please see below a description of the fields on the page
    • Code: Specifies a code for the label template.
    • Description: Specifies the description of the label template.
    • Default No. Of Labels: Specifies the quantity of labels printed off when the template is used.
    • Show Print Dialog: Specifies whether a preview of the label settings is presented to the user before printing.
    • Template File Imported: Specifies whether a template file already exists for this template.
  3. Once a record has been created you can then import a template that will be used when printing the label. This can be done by clicking on the Import button in the ribbon.
  4. Select Choose and find the label template file to import into the record within Business Central
  5. Once selected, a message will be shown informing you that the template file was imported successfully