Advanced Approvals added new workflow responses to block and unblock Customer records to the default Customer Approval Workflow template.

  • When an approval of a customer is requested, the workflow will automatically block the customer.
  • When an approval request is approved, the workflow will automatically unblock the customer.

Options for blocking Customers as part of a workflow

The Blocked options for Block Customer workflow response can be set on the Workflow Response Options part.

ShipAll shipments with the customer cannot be processed.
InvoiceAll invoices with the customer cannot be processed.
AllAll transactions with the customer cannot be processed.

Using the Block & Unblock Customer response in a workflow

To add the Block / Unblock Customer response to a workflow:

  1. Create a new workflow from template.
  2. Edit the workflow and select the Then Response column under Workflow Steps.
  3. In Workflow Responses page, drill down on Then Response field.
  4. Select Block / Unblock Customer from the workflow responses list.
  5. Set a Blocked option for the response.

New workflow template

Advanced Approvals includes a new template to automatically block a Customer on creation. The new template can be found under Sales and Marketing section on the Workflow Templates page.