The Role Centre is the home for all your users within Business Central. It’s the starting place for your staff to complete their daily tasks.

This app provides a set of tailored role centres that gives users a head start, by bringing the most used pages and tasks front and foremost.  

We’ve made improvements across a wide set of common roles using years of Business Central experience to put together what we consider the “Gold” standard.

Customise your role

Gold Role Centres is a solid foundation to build on. If you have other apps installed in Business Central, you can extend the Role Centre to include parts and actions you use most within your company.

Add your own headlines to prompt users to complete key actions or tasks.

A better home page

Improvements have been made to the following Business Central role centres:

  • Administration
  • Finance
  • Manufacturing
  • Project
  • Purchasing
  • Resource
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Service
  • Warehouse