Fenwick Gold Manufacturing for Business Central
Offers instant ability to analyse manufacturing data on Business Central.
Offers instant ability to analyse manufacturing data on Business Central.
Gain insight into your Business Central Sales data. Build your own sales reports in a drag and drop environment.
Generate instant answers from financial data in Business Central.
Gain instant capability to analyse purchasing data on Business Central.
Gain instant access to analyse all inventory data on Business Central.
Keep historical dimension data in sync with your master data from Customers, Vendors, Items, and Salespeople to improve your reporting.
Record the DIFOT and OTIF status on each Shipment and Receipt in Dynamics 365 Business Central for better insights into your supply chain.
Easily increase the efficiency and accuracy of your physical inventory stocktake in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Advanced Standard Costs Worksheet provides a centralised screen for managing your standard costs for items and tracks currency variance on purchase items.
A framework for managing the long-term nature of imports; consignment tracking and shipping management.
Lock-down fields across your system with Field Security. Prevent accidental changes, protect sensitive data, and highlight must-have fields.
Simple management of multiple inventory adjustment accounts in the General Ledger.