Fenwick Gold Purchasing for Business Central is a powerful business intelligence solution designed to help procurement teams streamline their operations, analyze data, and make informed decisions using data from Dynamics 365 Business Central.

With predefined measures, reports, and a refined data model, it provides a comprehensive and customizable platform to help Business Central users track key metrics, identify trends, and optimize performance.

Tailored Purchasing Reports Ready for Customization

Gain a comprehensive Purchasing Overview: Get a high-level view of your purchases, enabling you to identify trends, track goals, and make data-driven decisions.

Empower Purchasers with Individual Performance: Dive into Purchases by Purchaser report to evaluate individual contributions, identify top performers, and support targeted coaching and incentives.

Track Purchasing Growth with Period-Over-Period Analysis: Monitor your purchases over time with the Period-Over-Period Report. Identify patterns, spot trends, and make changes for long term improvement.

Evaluate Actual vs. Budget Performance: Stay on top of your financial goals with Actual vs. Budget Purchase Reports. Compare actual purchase figures against budgeted targets to identify gaps, adjust strategies, and optimize spend.

Drill Down into Critical Purchase Data

Drill down into Items, Vendors, and Purchasers, to analyze product performance, vendor behaviour, and purchaser effectiveness.

With drill-through pages, you can navigate through the layers of your purchase data, telling the story behind every transaction.

Get granular by drilling down to the value entries or purchase lines that makes up the values in your reports. This level of analysis lets you to make precise, data-driven decisions that drive sales growth and maximize revenue.

Understand your purchases landscape and uncover options for optimization. Identify underperforming purchasers, tailor your procurement efforts, and optimize your purchasing team’s performance.

Comprehensive Purchase Performance Analysis

The Fenwick Gold Purchasing for Business Central semantic model provides a suite of over 160 pre-defined DAX measures. Analyze purchasing performance over time with powerful time intelligence measures like year-to-date, month-to-date, last year, last month, & more.

Uncover insights with our measures:

  • Purchase Amount
  • Purchase Quantity
  • Invoiced Amount
  • Invoiced Quantity
  • Budget Purchase Amount
  • Budget Purchase Quantity
  • Budget Amount Variance
  • Budget Amount Variance %

Data Filtering for Advanced Data Management

Gain precise control over the volume of data exposed to your Power BI semantic model. By using a comprehensive set of filters in Business Central, you can fine-tune and manage the data that flows into Fenwick Gold for Power BI.

Control your data so that your reports and dashboards load swiftly, ensuring a quick report experience for users.

Try out Fenwick Gold Purchasing for Business Central

Fenwick Gold for Power BI Suite

The Fenwick Gold for Power BI Suite takes all the hard work out of implementing Power BI reporting. It seamlessly links Business Central data to Power BI out of the box.

With Fenwick Gold for Power BI, you can build reports by any dimension in the Business Central. Measures are ready to go, and the data is already modelled for analysis; instant plug and play for business reporting.

Connector for Business Central

There’s two parts to our solution — the data connector and the Fenwick Gold Purchasing for Business Central reports. Make sure you download both to get the most out of Fenwick Gold for Power BI.