We’ve enhanced Default Dimensions in Business Central with new features and productivity improvements.
Dimensions are a great tool to help you analyse your data in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
They allow categorization and grouping of data with similar characteristics such as Customers, Regions, Products, or Salespersons. For example, dimensions let you analyse your documents by department or project.
Create a Parent/Child link between Dimensions
Create a hierarchy between Dimensions for more powerful reporting and filtering without having to use Dimension Value Totaling or Item Category hierarchies.
This also improves data accuracy by providing better control of which Dimension Values are entered by users and makes data entry simpler.
For example, you could set up a Dimension “Item Group” as the Parent Dimension of “Sub-Item Group”. The possible “Sub-Item Group” Dimension Values are then restricted depending on the selected “Item Group” Dimension Value.

Fast Dimension Editing
We’ve put Dimensions on Master Data Cards to let you change them more easily, directly on the page. This saves you having to navigate to the Default Dimensions Page.

Filtering on Shortcut Dimensions
Shortcut Dimensions can also be shown on List pages which adds powerful filtering capabilities for all types of Dimensions, not just Global Dimension 1 & 2.