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FenWiki – Our Knowledge Sharing Platform!

Have you ever called an IT partner for support only to discover they know less about the problem than you do?

We’ve taken steps to help ensure that any of our consultants can respond to your requests by making the whole team’s wealth of knowledge and experience available to everyone. This knowledge and experience is now housed within a ‘wiki’ style web platform; this allows connectivity, collaboration and sharing amongst our consultants. We fondly refer to it as “FenWiki”.

This web platform is flexible and can be accessed by our consultants from any location. This ensures the body of knowledge follows our consultants no matter where they are. Our consultants can actively discuss, collaborate and review solutions and Microsoft Dynamics NAV-related topics contained within FenWiki, further developing the content. Having answers closer to the fingertips of our consultants allows you, our customer, to receive a significantly faster response to queries, and reduces the time required for analysis and investigation; in turn saving you money.

Using this platform, we can ensure we’re recommending a peer-reviewed solution, which has been discussed and collaboratively edited by our consulting team. Published solutions from FenWiki are proven, and greatly reduce the chance of subsequent issues, letting you get back to your usual tasks faster.

The success of this internal knowledge base has prompted discussion of future possibilities, such as a self-service area for clients. This proposed platform would be accessible over the internet, and provide you with a direct link to the answer you’re looking for, without having to pick up the phone.

FenWiki has proven to be an invaluable resource, providing our consulting team with a central knowledge base to efficiently provide you with reliable solutions, and a better Fenwick Software experience.

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