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The Cloud Option for Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Cloud computing is more than a decade old. The concept of centralized computing has been around since the fifties, but was not very practical until the huge improvements in communications infrastructure occurred over the last ten years or so.

Cloud computing has its benefits particularly for larger, multi-location companies. Having your ERP system in the cloud allows you to access your system securely from wherever your employees are working. Backups and security are generally taken care of by the hosting company, giving you peace of mind that your system is secure.

In a research report outlining its IT predictions Gartner stated that, “By the end of 2016, more than fifty percent of Global 1000 companies will have stored customer-sensitive data in the public cloud.”

By the end of 2016, more than fifty percent of Global 1000 companies will have stored customer-sensitive data in the public cloud.” – Gartner

Here is a list of some of the benefits of cloud based computing:

  • Less reliance on locally installed client software
  • Accessible from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Easy to secure
  • Enables sharing of hardware and software resources
  • Simple to upgrade hardware such as CPU, storage and memory
  • Entry level costs are reduced

Microsoft Dynamics NAV has three models of deployment:

Traditional On-Premises

On-Premise requires you to buy and manage your hardware and software. Licences for Microsoft Dynamics NAV are concurrent when using On-Premise meaning you can have more users than licences but only the number of licensed users can access the system at any one time.

Hosted Hardware

In the Hosted Hardware model the licences are handled as in the On-Premise model above. All hardware is hosted in a data centre. This gives you the benefits of accessibility and easier hardware upgrades with less downtime.

Full Cloud Deployment

In the full cloud model the software and the hardware are bundled up into a monthly per user charge. This gives a much lower entry cost. User licences are for named users. Only users who access the system during a given month incur a charge. Full cloud deployment generally means shared functionality, which does not allow any customization from the standard software.

However, with Microsoft Dynamics NAV we can offer a ‘Private’ cloud hosted in Microsoft Azure data centres within Australia. This allows you to have your own exclusive version of the software and allows whatever customization is required.

The option you choose comes down to your company circumstances and preference. The consultants at Fenwick Software can assist you in your selection and can provide advice on the best option.

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