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Healthy Body Healthy Mind

Everyone knows the stereotype of an IT person… afraid of the light, uncoordinated, and living on Coke and microwaved pizza. At Fenwick we like to think that we’re a little different. Within our consultants we have multiple cricketers, soccer players, cyclists, squash players, tennis players and even a rock climber.

As such we were keen to embrace the state government’s WorkHealth program. WorkHealth aims to support Victorian workplaces by offering voluntary programs to promote health and wellbeing, and gives up to 2.6 million workers across the State the opportunity to participate.

Since joining the program we have:

  • had health check ups
  • arranged for a fresh fruit delivery to the office every Monday morning to replace the chocolate bowl
  • encouraged staff to cycle, run or walk to the office

This affiliation with WorkHealth encouraged us to look for ways to increase our individual activity levels as well as group activities. Thus the BRW Corporate Relay was the perfect event for us. Fenwick managed to get together three teams, with each runner to complete a 5 km lap of Albert Park Lake.

Peter Hill, Ian Thompson & Juerg Stolz formed ‘The Fenwick Old Gits’. Three current and past Swinburne Bachelor of IT (BIT) students Sam Kosky, Jared Winter (Graduate Trainee) and I formed ‘Fenwick Best BITs’, while Greg Galloway, Rubina Usman & Atish Malla were simply ‘Team Awesome’. There was plenty of friendly banter pre-race as the challenges were laid down.

On the night the three teams were supported by Fenwick’s official photographer Andrew Ferguson & cheerleader Steve Langmaid. All teams managed to get around the course in good time with plenty of personal bests, and with no coke and no junk food it will only get better.

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