Fenwick is a tier-1 Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP).

We directly provide licences across Australia and surrounding regions for all CSP products including Dynamics 365 Business Central, Azure Services, Cloud Hosting and Microsoft 365 subscriptions.

Add Fenwick as your CSP partner

The invitation process is a two-step process.

  1. Using the Accept Invitation button below, add Fenwick as your partner for one or more Microsoft services. You can have multiple CSP partners on your account at any one time.
  2. Let us know once you’ve completed the invitation process, and we’ll send you a second personalized link to finalize the partner relationship.

Frequently asked CSP Questions

What account do I login with to accept the invitation?

You will need to use your work email account. If your account isn’t recognized there’s a chance you don’t have an existing tenancy. Please contact us and we can confirm this for you.

I already have a CSP partner that provides licences

That’s fine – the CSP program, by design, allows you to have multiple partners associated with your tenancy providing different Microsoft services. Your existing CSP partner continues to provide you with new and existing licences.

For example, if we provide Business Central licences, then the Business Central license arrangement will be moved to Fenwick. Other services will remain as-is depending on the SKU in question (and the services you’re arranging with us to provide).

We do not provide Business Central services to non-Fenwick Business Central customers within Australia.

You can view your list of Partner Relationships in the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal.

Can you view/access my other Azure Subscriptions?

No. Azure Subscriptions are controlled by separate RBAC permissions and do not automatically give access to CSP partners.

If you want to transfer your Azure subscription to Fenwick, you’ll need to complete the change of Cloud Solution Provider form for Azure. More documentation can be found here.

What information does this give CSP partners access to?

Your account information is shared with your CSP partner in order to manage and provide services. The CSP partnership is a prerequisite to being able to provide licences and is the first step to establishing a relationship with another Partner.

All our staff are based in Australia, so your company information remains local.

I get an error when accepting the invitation

You must be logged in as a Global Administrator for your tenancy.

An individual from your business should maintain a Global Administrator account. It may be a business owner, IT provider or someone who originally created your Microsoft account. We can help you locate the right person if you’re unsure.

I need a copy of the Microsoft Customer Agreement

You can view a copy of the Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) here. You can confirm acceptance here.

How do I move my existing CSP subscriptions to Fenwick?

CSP subscriptions cannot be transferred between partners, unless it’s an Azure offering.

Instead, if you’re looking to move to Fenwick, you’ll need to cancel your existing licences and re-purchase them under Fenwick.

The licences themselves don’t need to be re-assigned to users. The total number of licences are pooled together no matter which partner they were purchased from. For example, if you have 10 licences from one partner, and 10 licences from Fenwick then 20 licences would be available to you. Cancelling one of your subscriptions reduces that total back to 10.

If you’re under contract for your subscription, you will have to wait out the contract term before the licences can be transferred without penalty.

My tenant isn’t based in Australia

Please get in touch with us and we’ll provide you an alternate link.

How do I raise a direct Microsoft support request?

If you want to raise a direct support request with Microsoft, you can click the following option within your Microsoft Admin centre.