
  • Cargo Import, Cargo Import for Australia, Cargo Import for Advanced Item Planning: Improved integration with Microsoft services.


  • Fixed error preventing users from creating a corrective credit memo for a posted purchase invoice.


  • Fixed location code not being saved on purchase documents.


  • Added notification to remind the user to install the AU, Advanced Item Planning and Advanced Inventory connectors if the environment requirements are met.


  • Exposed BuildTempRecords function for development.


  • Fixed filtering issue with Assign Cargo Import No.
  • Fixed missing variant on Reservation Entry causing errors.


  • Added new Posting Date field to the Cargo Import table and card page.
  • Set the Posting Date value onto the original purchase order when posting purchase receipt.  


  • Fixed missing reservation entry error on posting.
  • Fixed not being able to create Transport Methods.
  • Fixed error when using Get Purch. Lines.
  • Improved actions on Cargo Import pages.
  • Fixed inventory put-aways being recreated prematurely when using Advanced Inventory, requires updated Cargo Import for Advanced Inventory connector app.
  • Cargo Import for Advanced Inventory:
    • Initial release, replaces Advanced Inventory for Overseas Imports.
    • Added check to prevent premature creation of inventory put-aways when using Advanced Inventory.


  • Initial release.
  • Cargo Import for Australia: Initial release.
  • Cargo Import for Advanced Item Planning: Initial release.